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ISO 39001:2019 Road Traffic Safety Management System Image ISO 39001 is a proposed best practice for managing road traffic safety within an organization.

This standard provides guidance for organizations that wish to utilize ISO 39001 to enhance their road safety.
ISO 39001 establishes requirements for Road Traffic Safety (RTS) management systems, enabling organizations engaged with road traffic systems to reduce fatalities and serious injuries associated with traffic accidents.

Benefits of ISO 39001 certification:
Enhances company image Reduces safety costs Establishes a sustainable business structure Decreases the potential for traffic accident casualties Improves operational processes and establishes principles of efficiency Establishes and maintains effective systems to ensure compliance with policies and objectives within the organization Demonstrates organizational safety and social responsibility to stakeholders and customers

Who can apply ISO 39001:
A Road Traffic Safety Management System is important for all organizations, regardless of their type and scope of operation, and encompasses the following entities:

Organizations involved in formulating road traffic safety legislation (e.g., governments, local public entities) Organizations engaged in the design, production, maintenance, and inspection of motor vehicles (e.g., vehicle manufacturers) Entities participating in the design, construction, management, and maintenance of roads (e.g., road authorities) Organizations utilizing motor vehicles (trucks) for transportation of goods in their business operations Entities involved in the transportation of goods or passengers (e.g., trucks, buses, taxi companies) Organizations and companies operating parking facilities (e.g., supermarkets, parking management companies) Entities engaged in providing emergency medical assistance (e.g., emergency medical services, hospitals)
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